Marble Sealing Services: Coastal Areas, Newport Beach


Marble Sealing Services: Coastal Areas, Newport Beach

Whether completing a new floor installation or restoring an existing floor, it is always important to create a new surface that will retain looking its best for as long as possible. Any natural stone is porous and so with saying this, without adequate protection it will absorb spilled liquids which will stain. Sealing the floor creates a barrier between your floor and most harmful spills. All stone surfaces should be sealed in order to protect them and in some cases in order to enhance their natural beauty.

At Pacific Floors we know that marble floors are becoming the most popular floors to be installed in high end homes. Because of that we focus our attention on cleaning, honing, polishing, and sealing marble floors. Just because we are working so much with marble does not mean that’s all we specialize in. Our specialties are in all natural stone floors, countertops, and showers so for any of your sealing trust the experts.

Education on Marble Sealing

Pacific Floor Restoration would like to educate you on your marble sealing, and so you wont be misled by cheap prices and save you from the consequences of choosing an inexperienced company. You want to stay clear of any sealers that say matte, gloss, shine or enhancer. Stay away from any company or individual that says they can fix all your floors problems with one sealer that is most likely a gimmick and will be very costly to remove later on ,as a matter of fact the only sealer you should use on these types of stones are penetrating impregnator sealers.  If you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact us it will save you money in the long run.

Call on Pacific Carpet & Tile Cleaning in Newport Beach CA  (949) 545-5205

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