Entries by Pacific Carpet & Tile Cleaning, Irvine CA

What should you look for in a carpet cleaning Service? Newport Beach , CA

May Katz had a trusted carpet cleaning company that she had always used, but the Indianapolis resident thought she’d try another company that had advertised a discounted cleaning. As soon as the two representatives were in the door, though, they immediately tried to upsell Katz an additional $120 for “deep cleaning” service. When she declined, […]

Clean or replace carpet? 5 things you need to consider when Cleaning your Carpet, Newport Beach, CA

Installing carpet in your home is a lot like buying a car — the moment you use it, the value starts depreciating. Most carpet manufacturers say their carpet lasts around 10 years, but with proper care, many families are able to extend the life of their carpet even longer by utilizing professional carpet cleaners. At […]